Practice Management

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There is no question that professional law office managers make important contributions to the financial and operating success of legal organizations.  The value of these legal managers can only increase as they continue to apply business principles to legal organizations and to enhance productivity by developing automation, maintaining and analyzing data and management information to ensure the delivery of high-quality legal services, in a timely manner, at fees clients are willing and able to pay.

Increasingly, astute managers are exercising influence on virtually all decisions affecting the “business of law” and are providing management support to those lawyers who are responsible for managing and coordinating substantive practice areas.

Firm Options, Inc. provides Administrative Support Services to the Managing Partner, Executive Committee and key personnel to organize and direct the implementation of significant firm initiatives to ensure that your firm continues to thrive in an ever changing environment.

Firm Options, Inc. offers services in the following areas:

  • Operational Review on current practice management processes and/or software
  • Paperless Initiatives
  • Strategic Planning
  • Organizational Change Strategies
  • Marketing/Client Surveys/Retreats
  • General Law Firm Best Practices

If you wish to discuss any of the above in more detail , please email us and we can schedule a telephone conference at your convenience.