Fee Adjustments

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There are actually four reports in this collection!  You will be able to print the Fee Adjustment Report by either Working Timekeeper, by Billing Timekeeper, by Originating Timekeeper Range or by Client.  This report is unlike any Juris report as you will now be able to see both Fee Mark Ups/(Downs) via Edit Prebills and Fee Write Ups/(Downs) via Credit Memos on the same report!

For any of the above selections, the Fee Adjustment Report will list any matter that had FEES either Marked Up/(Down) via Edit Prebills, or Written Up/(Down) via Credit Memos, by Timekeeper, by Client/Matter for the specified Period Range with an option to show the details!  If the Show Details option is checked, the report will include the individual Time Entries either Marked Down or Marked Off via Edit Prebills and the individual bill(s) written off via Credit Memos.



All of these Fee Adjustment Reports are offered on an “As Is” basis for just $175.00.  The price includes one of our representatives to WebEx in with your to link the tables to Juris.  NOTE:  Any modifications to the report will be billable at $205/hr.  You will also need to ensure you have a license of Microsoft Access version 2000 (or higher) installed on one of your workstations in order to run the report. 

If you are interested in purchasing this report, or hearing more about our other custom reporting options, please email Tracee Mommers or Janelle Ruffino.