Daily Cash Reports
There are actually two reports in this collection: The Cash Receipt Summary and the Checkbook Details reports. Both of these reports are helpful tools for managing partners and/or executive committees because they offer a concise, easy-to-read view of where the money is coming in from, and alternatively, where it is going.
The Cash Receipt Summary report would balance to the Cash Activity Report in Juris. Unlike the Cash Activity Report in Juris, there are options to show the Fees Received by Working Timekeeper, Billing Timekeeper, Originating Timekeeper or Client Summary — on the same report!
The Cash Receipt Summary will show the total cash received by cash receipt batch listing the payor’s name and the breakdown of the payment (Fees, Expenses, Surcharge, Prepaid, Other) by date.
Both of these Daily Cash Reports are offered on an “As Is” basis for just $175.00. The price includes one of our representatives to WebEx in with your to link the tables to Juris. NOTE: Any remote assistance, or modifications relating to this module will be billable at $205/hr. You will also need to ensure you have a license of Microsoft Access version 2000 (or higher) installed on one of your workstations.
If you are interested in purchasing this module, or hearing more about our other custom reporting options, please email Tracee Mommers or Janelle Ruffino.